Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Not Done Yet!

Not Done Yet! -- a place for women of the Baby-Boom Generation to explore their lives with all of the joys, challenges,  personal growth & continuous improvement, value, and legacy in a supportive, fun, highly engaging, and encouraging environment.  Come join me, because we’re Not Done Yet!

Not Done Yet!
14 August 2013

Are you a woman of the “Baby Boomer”, 50+ generation?  Did you grow up believing that, because you were part of  the largest population ever, that you were special and that your future was going to be “golden”, “all set”, “comfortable”, “prosperous”?  Was it assumed that the government, and all sorts of companies would spend mucho moola on advertising and marketing to you as part of the “elite Boomers”, and that the other generations would look to you as the “top dogs” in your community?

Borrowing a terrific quip from Dr. Phil McGraw, “How’s that working for you?”  Now that we’ve “arrived”, we aren’t being courted by advertising or on the upper rung of the corporate ladder; we aren’t the largest population anymore -- the IY Generation is; we aren’t special to our government -- in fact, it seeks to limit our Social Security and other benefits; we aren’t all living comfortable or prosperous lives.  We’re not the top-of-the-heap.  We’re just aging and trying to figure out this time in life... on our own with little support.  Yes, there is MORE magazine and the AARP or AMAC, and some cosmetics manufacturers claim to cater to the “mature” woman...still, how do we learn to be our best selves at this stage in our lives?  No one is mentoring us; no one is paying attention to us.  Well, I am!

Okay, I hope my pointing out some disappointing facts hasn’t sent you to the freezer for more Chunky Monkey ice cream or another vodka martini or a second helping of “happy pills.”  I’m right there with you...a Baby Boomer, 57 years old, and struggling with what category I fit into.  Here is the conunndrum that may sound familiar to you:  calling myself “middle age” would mean that I plan to live to be 114 (Did you get the math?  57 X 2 = 114), but calling myself, “old”, “elderly” or “mature” isn’t palatable.  

If it hasn’t happened to you yet, it’s likely to be coming soon.  You may be viewed as too old to compete at the top levels in business; you may be passed over for interviews for managerial, leadership, and key roles.  It’s usually not overt, because that would alert Human Resources to the organization being agist in their selection and promotion practices.  Oh no, it’s much more subtle.  You may have advanced degrees and years of experience, but it may be the younger women & men who are getting the goodies.  At a time when we are now free of parenting and have the time and freedom to travel for the company or to focus on key initiatives, and you have depth of experience, you may no longer a desired “commodity.”  You may be seen as “waiting until retirement.”  You may feel stuck as younger colleagues are moving up.  

My passionate message is to encourage you and to challenge you so that you don't feel downgraded in your status.  I want to encourage you to stand up for other baby boomer women and to do all you can to keep 50+ women in the game -- we’re Not Done Yet! Instead of giving up or resorting to sabotaging other women to hold on to our rank and position, why don’t we work together to redefine who we are, what we want, how to leverage our value, and how to communicate our worth. Instead of waiting for AARP  or AMAC to help us or anticipating our government swooping in to rescue us, why don’t we become women of value and rail against the machine that defines us as “out to pasture!”  We’re Not Done Yet!

What’s our benefaction going to be, both as individuals and as a collective group?  Would you like to join me in exploring this place on the timeline of our lives, to live our best lives now, to find our purpose at this stage in our lives, to define our legacy, to contribute in meaningful ways, and to become coaches / mentors / supporters / encouragers of young women who need our wisdom, need to hear our stories, and who need support for their dreams?  Great! Let’s dive in together!

Start by joining my blog:  Not Done Yet!  Explore topics and discussions.  Consider joining me for webinars.  Join other women in Golden Circles -- a once a month time for sharing, learning, coaching, and defining our life goals and benefaction. Even one-on-one coaching / mentoring is offered. Promoting the clout of 50+ year old women and declaring that we are Not Done Yet! , isn’t just a noble’s saving us from becoming extinct!  

        Please come back next Wednesday!   I encourage comments and suggestions.

--Missy --

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